Most of the time when I go into a store, I just get confused by them. I was in a Tesco supermarket the other day with a friend of mine from London escorts from, and my friend spent a small fortune on 3 for 2 offers. When I checked them out with her, I noticed that she has not got the best deal at all. Most of them worked out more expensive than buying other products, and the offers are very misleading.
I am not a financial wizard or anything like that, but I do like to look after my money. Most of the girls from Poland who work at London escorts are a lot more careful with their money, and I think that is in their nature. Some girls, especially the girls from the northern part of the UK, are all about spend, spend and then spend some more. I am not that sort of girl at all, I have to say that I think that we should try to save money. Of course, the girls from Poland are worried that things are going to go belly up, and they will have to go back to Poland.
One way of saving money is certainly to cut back on your grocery budget. I have been cutting back on my grocery budget in the last year, and I have saved a lot of money. The girls at London escorts think that I am a bit tight, but the funny thing is, I am not tight at all. I like to look after my money, but I am certainly not tight. The entire exercise has taught me a lot about shopping, and I have slashed my grocery budget in half.
To be honest, I am just like any other girl, and I like to shop. I do think that most supermarkets are too expensive. Most of the girls that I work with at London escorts still shop in the mainstream supermarkets, but I have learned to stay out of them. Yes, I used to shop in them all of the time, but now I have learned that I am not saving any money by doing so at all. There is no way collecting points and stuff like that can make up for over all expensive prices. I want to see my savings off the bottom line.
In the past year, I have stayed away from the mainstream supermarkets, and shopped in places like Aldi and Lidl. I have even started to buy my hair shampoo in Aldo. The stuff is really good, and the girls at London escorts who have tried it are impressed as well. I am sure that if more people switched, the stigma of shopping in Aldi or Lidl would go away. At the moment, a lot of people seem to think that the brands in Aldi and Lidl are not as good, but I strongly disagree with that.